

“Always be thankful to Allah swt  no matter what you’re going through, it could have been worse.”

– AN.


‘Allah already knows what we want, He gave us dua so we can taste the sweetness of speaking to Him’

– Shaykh Yahya Al-Ninowy

” In the past few days, I have been hearing about people I know or the relatives of them bidding farewell to this world, or someone falling very sick, or even someone getting married or someone being blessed with a child. Time and again through these events Allah reminds us that, the world and all that is in it is His, NOTHING is ours! Be it taking a persons life of giving someone a new life, or testing some of His servants with a trail or a blessing, its in His hands! 
But what hits me hard is the reality of death! It comes with no warning, no signs, it doesn’t knock, its an uninvited guest, you have no choice but to answer.

Yes, death is real, but the question well are we prepared for it?
Don’t let another minute pass and you are not investing in Jannah and making your life before that (the barzakh) a good one.

May Allah make the best deeds our last and the best day be the day that we meet Him. Ameen”


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