Behind the screens!

Who Are We?

Who are we?

We are students of Princess Noura University Riyadh Saudi Arabia, currently enrolled in the second year of Bachelors in Islamic Studies. We study a wide range of subjects like Quran, Aqeedah, Hadith sciences, Quran sciences, Hadith, Tafseer, Nahu, and Fiqh from professors who are graduates of Al- Imam University, Riyadh and Umm ul Qura University, Makkah. We have also completed a Diploma course of two years in the Arabic language from the same university.

Get to know the bloggers!

“The knowledge of Deen (Islam) is indeed the greatest blessing Allah سبحانه وتعالى has bestowed upon me and I am thankful to Him for choosing me despite my countless faults. Back then when I was a child, I would look up at the dark sky and find the brightest star. I remember asking Allah swt to make me like it. I have spent my entire childhood working hard because I want to bring a change. I want to learn about Islam, practice it and teach it to others. I don’t like it when people propagate wrong beliefs about Islam. I want to represent this religion and leave behind an impact. There are a lot of Doctors and Engineers and Lawyers and Businessmen in the world, but change can only be brought about by the those who hold unto the Quran and Sunnah. So here I am trying my best to work for it, and I hope that you would join me in this great cause. ”

(Fatima Bint Sajid)

“All Praises to the One who have blessed me with the great opportunity to study His religion, the best of sciences in the world.
AlhamdulilAllah for this blessing and I ask Allah سبحان تعالى to help me achieve my goals of acquiring this knowledge, some of which are:

– Fulfilling the purpose of why I was created, by knowing who Allah swt is and what is required from me to be successful in both worlds.

– To acquire authentic Islamic knowledge to practise and preach.

– To spread awareness about the common misconceptions & bid’ah.

– Show people how Islam is actually a very simple and easy religion to follow and actually a solution to every problem they face.

– A common problem faced in the ummah is that many people don’t have anyone to guide them in religious issues, by being a student of knowledge I want to serve the ummah to the best of my abilities and offer an easy way of communication to everyone.

I ask Allah سبحانه و تعالى to help me achieve my ambition to serve this Ummah to the best of my abilities and accept all our deeds.”

(Abeer Nouman.)

“Starting off briefly, after completing my A levels my family was in a big dilemma of either moving back to the country or me applying in some university at our current place. I always wanted to be an architect, studying never particularly pleased me but my scores in math and my work in arts was quite honorable near me. To tell you the truth I never had any intention of studying religion or even thought about doing so. The unexpected switcheroo was enough sign for me that “yup I found it”. Things took a turn and somehow without me realizing I was already the part of a big picture. Anyhow it’s been 3 years approximately and I have never enjoyed learning so much before, studying about Islam helps me understand more about myself and life, it also provides me with an inner peace that whatever happens Allah always chooses the best for his worshipers. In these grave times my goal is to gain as much knowledge about my religion as possible and clear all the erroneous fallacies hovering over it as it is not the religion that has flaws but the people following it. Islam is the ultimate knowledge and every other knowledge branches out from it. Muslims were once the greatest civilization, ruling almost half of the planet not because we had humongous amount of warriors but because we had people of knowledge who learned the Quran, understood it, applied it and changed the history !”

(Deco Ryuu)

“It has been my dream to study the Deen in depth since High School, teach it to others and serve the Deen. Although I was a Science major and graduated with high scores that could get me into Medical schools, I opted to study the Deen. This came as a surprise for many who know me. There are many factors that lead me to take this decision.

Firstly, it saddens me to see the religious status of my people when I go back home for vacations and also the state of the Ummah as a whole. And I having no much background to back up the facts I say, with the Qur’an and the Sunnah, I feel even more sad. And I want to learn and get back to them with knowledge direct from the Qur’an and Sunnah, hold their hands and guide them. Change myself first and those around me. For the better of the Deen and the Dunya.

Secondly, in our communities, there is a misconception that a girl or a boy who does not have the potential to get into big fields like Medicine or Engineering or Business is the one who opts for studying the Deen. In other words, its their last option. I want to remove this wrong notion off their minds, show them the beauty of the Deen and make them realize they are missing on something big!

All through to earn Allah’s pleasure in all that I do by learning, following and teaching!

These are few of my reasons to study the Deen. And my decision to use the blog as a medium to voice my thoughts and to reach out to the people is simply because, there is no better way to reach out than to ink it out!

May Allah guide us and keep firm in His Deen till we meet Him. Ameen!”

(Ayisha I.) 

Why blog?

The Prophet (peace be upon him), is reported to have said:’ Convey from me even if it’s an ayah.’
We as the students of religion have a responsibility of conveying the right message to you from the Quran and Sunnah.

The basic matters of religion has been entangled among the cobwebs of culture, so much so, that the basics and the reality have been hidden and seem to look new, something that was cooked up recently and fabricated.
Most of us, are unfortunately are blinded by the mist of culture and other factors and thus, fail to recognize the reality and the truth of the matter. And also, missing on the hidden beauty and wisdom of the gift of Islam.
So, in order to clear that mist on your little window and to show you the beauty and the vastness of the garden, keep reading the posts 🙂

P.S: Don’t get surprised if you see some random posts around here, it might be a random thought that is worth pondering over 😉

May Allah guide us to all that pleases Him and keep us steadfast on His Deen.

JazakAllahu Khairan for taking your time out to read ❤

32 thoughts on “Behind the screens!

  1. Assalamualaikum wrwb dear sisters. Please accept my humble gratitude filled thank you. Thank you firstly for following me and thank you for being a guiding light for my quest to be closer to Allah swt. The latter thank you,I can’t do justice,but Jazakaallahu khayran.
    Much cares& duas to all of you beautiful sisters,
    Noorain ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello, thank you for the follow on my blog. I’d love to learn more about the true Islam as I have tremendous respect for the religion but am unsure what is a tenant of Islam as opposed to what someone wants it to be. I wish you all well and I hope you are successful in educating the world about the true Islam. Your Christian sister. xo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for doing that. I personally do not believe in knee jerk reactions about anything. I like to keep an open mind as that is the only way to learn anything of value in this world. I have read about Islam in my college days and quite liked what I read, but those were scholarly materials written by religious philosophers which were esoteric in nature hard apply to daily life. Islam isn’t for me as I am a practicing Roman Catholic, in our church we have had several interfaith discussions between all religions and was deeply moved and humbled by the imam that came to speak to us. I feel badly for the followers of Islam, as it’s getting such a bad rap right now. The Islamic world is at war with each other and its main tenants of the religion is lost in that horrible bloody mess, it’s not helped by people giving bigoted opinions about Islam when in fact they know nothing about Islam. And this is a blog written by women, my favorite people, I support women, all women and their endeavors.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have earned my respect!
      Please stay in touch with us and do keep reading our posts.
      I am just so glad to have added you…
      Although I am doing my majors in Islamic Sciences, I read a lot about Christianity and books by Christians to understand people of this religion.
      You see Christianity came to a group of people, but Islam is a global religion. Its for everyone. Of course there is no compulsion in religion and Islam doesn’t approve of forceful conversions but it is the complete form of guidance unlike other religions. It encompasses everything.
      I really appreciate your support and kind. I really hope to listen from you often.
      Stay blessed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • And in the interest of interfaith dialogue and tolerance, I’d like to respectfully correct your view on Christianity. Like Islam, Christianity is also a ‘global’ religion, as long as one accepts Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior and become baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one can become a Christian (sorry if this is technical, but it’s the simplest way I can explain it). I think the religion that ‘came to a group of people’ sounds a lot like Judaism which is in fact a religion for a ‘chosen’ people, though people can still convert to Judaism but far more difficult.
        There are roughly 3 billion Christians in the world (inclusive of all denominations) so it’s very much a ‘global’ religion like Islam.
        Lastly, I wanted to share a post I wrote criticizing people (especially rude Westerners) for deliberately insulting Islam by depicting the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him? – Am I correct?). If you peruse my blog, I am VERY Western in belief and thought and religion obviously but I am not rude and disrespectful to other people. Thank you for listening.

        And I apologize for the expletives – another hazard for being ‘Western’ 🙂


  4. Thank you. I love learning and frankly, I tired about hearing Islam from only the men. LOL. Most ‘Islamic scholars’ that come on TV, even in America (where I live) are ALL MEN! I often wondered where are the women on this subject. The Catholic church is run by men too, but there are lots of women scholars and experts on the subject. I am not saying that the men’s view are biased but I believe that if both men and women provide their views of their scholarship on any religion, it creates a better balance.

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  5. Pingback: The Liebster Award | identity17

  6. Hi. Thanks for the follow. I don’t know how much you’ve read of my blog or what interested you in it. Suffice it to say, I don’t believe in any religion. I am not religious, but spiritual in my outlook. I’m always trying to understand the different faiths better and understand their outlook, but I think the whole religion game and the perceived differences to be nothing more than illusion.
    I too, like you, was once well studied in business and then went off to a religious institute to study religion. I’m not a surface reader, so I soon found that much of what I was studying did not even agree with the main tenets of the faith in which I was being trained. I have subsequently found similar issues with all faiths. There is a huge wasteland of surface understanding out there and very little truth of which it was built upon.
    However, having said that, I have also observed another thing. When we get down to the bedrock of all different faiths, they seem to converge on basic principles and spiritual understanding. This is what I would call truth. This is what needs to be rediscovered and brought to the forefront… not in the form of religion, but in the form of living oracles in us.
    I will consider what you have to share and may even challenge you. You may do the same. If this is done in a Spirit of Love and fellowship, I suspect we may get along just fine.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I highly appreciate your feedback!
      Sure challenge me whenever you feel like I am out of the league.
      You are right about religions having basic principles and I really hope
      we get along fine with each other.
      I am also an A level student from University of London and understand the basics of Technology. So I will also try correlating your field to mine.
      Regards 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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